Elf on the Shelf

Festive and Fun Green Elf Slime

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Does the Elf on your shelf bring a treat sometimes? Crazy goodies? Weird baubles? How about something wild and unexpected? Something Green, Glittery? What kid wouldn’t LOVE to have a slimey Elf gag-gift in a cute lil jar! I can just imagine the kid’s faces when they get up in the morning to discover a very Festive and absolutely FUN container of green gooey Elf slime!

Festive and Fun Green Elf Slime

Of course, (even if there’s not an Elf in the picture) this is loads of fun to make WITH the kids, and it may just be a right of passage for our children to gross us out and make us giggle and back away! I’m thinking this might make for a unique and crazy sleepover or playdate activity for the kids. Make sure whomever is bravely diving into this delirious endeavor wears an old Shirt or an apron and don’t forget the Green Glitter for a sparkly fun effect.

**Note: This “recipe” for Elf Slime is just one big Kodak Moment waiting to happen. Be prepared with a camera or vid recorder. You won’t regret it.


Makes 1 8oz mason jar or 2 4oz jars

You will need:

1/2 TBSP baking soda
1 1/2 TBSP contact lens solution
1 6 fl oz Clear Elmer’s Glue
1 TBSP Green Glitter
2 tsp Green food coloring
1 large glass bowl
1 rubber spatula
1 8oz Mason Jar with a lid or 2 4oz jars with lids
**cell phone with camera or a regular camera



**Grab your cell or camera and have it ready nearby, just in case.

In the large bowl, combine the clear glue, baking soda, contact solution, glitter, and food coloring and mix with the rubber spatula until combined.

When the slime starts to get firm, it means its done!

**This is where the camera comes in. If you’re on the sidelines helping or supervising, snap a few pictures and be ready for some giggles and adjectives when the hand-scooping begins!

With clean hands, Scoop slime up and place it into the mason jar.

**Yes, use your hands. Much more efficient and fun. Don’t you think?

Now have some fun with it or give as a gift!